
Kindle Software Update Delivers Public Notes and Page Numbers

Kindle DXThe newest Kindle software update has finally put the eReader on pace with books, adding sorely missed page numbers to the device. If an eBook contains page number information, it can now be accessed by pressing the Kindle’s menu button.
The page numbers will match up with those in print books, which will significantly facilitate cross referencing and conversation between people using Kindle and people using print.
If an eBook includes page numbers, it will have a "Page Numbers Source ISBN" under product details on its sales page. Users must have a latest-generation Kindle running software version 3.1 for access to page numbers.
The other software highlight is the introduction of public notes, which lets Kindle owners share their annotations with others. Users just need to follow the person whose notes they'd like to see online through Amazon, and their books will automatically be updated with that person's annotations (if they also have public notes turned on).
Public notes can also be turned off, so that users can follow people without necessarily receiving their public notes.

